Humane HR Awards

Humane HR Awards

The Humane HR Awards are global awards that celebrate projects, individuals, companies, and organisations that exemplify excellence in fostering human-centric workplaces. These awards recognise outstanding initiatives, practitioners, and leaders in the field of Human Resources (HR) prioritising the well-being, dignity, and growth of employees along with other primordial organisational objectives. From innovative employee development programs to compassionate leadership practices, the Humane HR Awards honour those who demonstrate a deep commitment to creating environments where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to thrive.

Award categories

In contrast to traditional awards with fixed titles, the Humane HR Awards offer more dynamic categories tailored to honour specific HR achievements deserving of acknowledgment. Awards are categorised based on nominee type (initiative, individual, office, or company/organisation), level (initiative, administrative, managerial, top management, or company/organisation itself), scope (team, organisational, local, national, international, global, or universal), and HR field (general HR, recruitment and selection, onboarding, training and development, performance management, rewards and remuneration, employee relations, compliance, diversity and inclusion, talent management, employee engagement, strategy, policy, research and development, publication, HR services, consulting, and HRIS). Nominees will only compete with other nominees having exactly the same combination of nominee type, level, scope, HR field, and achievement area as theirs, which allows the levelling of the awards’ playing field regardless of where the nominees are in their HR journey.

Judging process

Nominees are assessed based on the achievement area(s) they are nominated for, which may include one (1) or more of the following:

Accessibility: By ensuring that HR processes, policies, and resources are easily accessible to all employees, regardless of their background, abilities, or circumstances, HR can humanise the workplace and promote inclusivity.

Adaptability: HR that embraces adaptability can respond effectively to changing needs and circumstances within the organisation, fostering a culture that values flexibility and resilience, thus creating a more humane work environment.

Advocacy: HR that advocates for the rights and well-being of employees demonstrates a commitment to their welfare, fostering trust and loyalty while humanising HR practices.

Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration among employees and departments promotes a sense of community and teamwork, leading to more inclusive decision-making processes and humanising the workplace culture.

Communication: Transparent and empathetic communication from HR helps build trust and understanding among employees, fostering a supportive and respectful work environment that prioritises the human aspect of interactions.

Creativity: HR initiatives that embrace creativity can lead to innovative solutions to workplace challenges, enhancing employee engagement and satisfaction by offering unique and personalised experiences.

Diversity: Embracing diversity in hiring, promotion, and workplace culture not only promotes fairness and equal opportunity but also enriches the organisation with varied perspectives, ultimately humanising HR practices.

Education: Providing opportunities for ongoing learning and development supports employees’ growth and well-being, demonstrating a commitment to their personal and professional advancement and humanising HR efforts.

Efficiency: Streamlining HR processes and workflows minimizes unnecessary bureaucracy and administrative burdens, allowing HR professionals to focus on meaningful interactions and support for employees, thus humanising HR practices.

Empowerment: HR initiatives that empower employees by providing them with autonomy, resources, and support to succeed promote a sense of ownership and fulfillment, humanising the workplace and fostering a culture of trust and accountability.

Equal Opportunity: Ensuring equal opportunity in recruitment, promotion, and development practices demonstrates a commitment to fairness and inclusivity, humanising HR efforts and promoting a culture of respect and dignity for all employees.

Excellence: Striving for excellence in HR practices, policies, and services demonstrates a commitment to providing the highest standards of support and care for employees, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Growth: Supporting employees’ professional and personal growth demonstrates a commitment to their well-being and fulfillment, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of development and achievement.

Health and Wellness: Prioritising employee health and wellness through comprehensive well-being programs and support services demonstrates a commitment to their holistic well-being, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of care and compassion.

Honesty: Transparency and honesty in HR interactions and communications build trust and credibility, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.

Human Rights: Upholding and advocating for human rights principles in all HR practices demonstrates a commitment to dignity, equality, and fairness, humanising HR efforts and promoting a culture of respect and social responsibility.

Impact: Measuring and recognising the impact of HR initiatives on employee well-being and organisational success demonstrates a commitment to meaningful outcomes, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of accountability and results-oriented approach.

Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive workplace culture that values and respects all individuals, regardless of their background, promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of diversity and equity.

Innovation: Embracing innovation in HR practices and processes leads to more efficient, effective, and engaging experiences for employees, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.

Integrity: Upholding ethical standards and principles in all HR interactions and decisions demonstrates a commitment to fairness, honesty, and trustworthiness, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of integrity and accountability.

Leadership: Demonstrating compassionate and ethical leadership in HR promotes trust, engagement, and inspiration among employees, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of respect and empowerment.

Lifelong Learning: Cultivating a culture of continuous learning and development demonstrates a commitment to employee growth and fulfillment, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of curiosity and personal growth.

Mentorship: Providing mentorship opportunities for employees fosters professional growth, skill development, and confidence, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of support and collaboration.

Problem-solving: Proactively addressing employee concerns and challenges demonstrates a commitment to their well-being and success, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of responsiveness and support.

Profit-Purpose Balance: Balancing business objectives with employee well-being and social responsibility demonstrates a commitment to holistic success, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of purpose and sustainability.

Quality: Upholding high standards of quality in HR services and support demonstrates a commitment to excellence and employee satisfaction, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of reliability and trustworthiness.

Reliability: Consistently delivering on promises and commitments demonstrates trustworthiness and dependability, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of accountability and integrity.

Resilience: Building resilience among employees through support, resources, and coping mechanisms demonstrates a commitment to their well-being and success, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of adaptability and perseverance.

Safety: Prioritising employee safety and well-being through comprehensive safety measures and protocols demonstrates a commitment to their health and security, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of care and protection.

Social Responsibility: Engaging in socially responsible initiatives and activities demonstrates a commitment to community and societal well-being, humanising HR practices and fostering a culture of compassion and impact.

Transparency: Being transparent in HR processes, decisions, and communications builds trust and credibility, humanising HR efforts and fostering a culture of openness and accountability.

Become one of our esteemed judges! Click here to know how.

Important dates

  • 19 March: Early-bird nominations start.

  • 30 June: Early-bird nominations end.

  • 1 July: Regular nominations start.

  • 30 September: Nominations end.

  • We will screen nominations if they meet the minimum requirements for the awards. Valid nominations are thereafter forwarded to the judges who will then choose the winners.

  • On or after 1 December: The winners will be announced on our website, shared via our social media and other channels, and included in a consolidated press release potentially reaching millions of global audience through our media partners.

Nominate today!

Now is the perfect opportunity to nominate for the Humane HR Awards and highlight the real heroes of the humane HR industry. This is your chance to recognise the initiatives, people, groups, or organisations that are having a big effect, whether you’ve seen ground-breaking work in diversity and inclusion, outstanding leadership in personnel management, or creative workplace practices. Your submissions encourage others to pursue excellence by amplifying the effort and commitment of HR professionals. Together, let’s honour the outstanding accomplishments made by the HR community and highlight the constructive contributions that promote both business success and employee well-being. Don’t pass up this chance to raise the voices of people who are influencing the course of humane HR history. You and everyone can nominate you, anything, or anyone for the awards.

Fee-free nomination slots are also available for a limited time only. Click here to take advantage of this special offer. Early-bird nominations start from 60 AUD (around 40 USD) while regular nomination fees are from 100 AUD, Post-judging feedback can be requested only when lodging the nomination by paying a 400 AUD fee.

Act now and nominate today! Click here.